Nadia Bakir, BSc ND MSc

Nadia Bakir, BSc ND MSc
Nadia Bakir And Associates
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (877) 576-3192
Fax: (877) 684-3449

Naturopathic Doctor and associate professor with a focus on homeopathy. I believe the body has an innate ability to heal itself. I have a special interest in identifying and treating the underlying cause. This involves looking at the whole person realizing disease is an outer expression of an inner state. Doctor comes from Docere which is Latin for teacher. I teach my clients to take better care of their health and homeopathic remedies empower them to get there.

Nadia Bakir offers the following therapies: Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation

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