Jacqueline Keeney, ND
Ocean Health Centre
290A England Avenue
Courtenay, British Columbia, V9N6L6
Phone: 250-703-0044
Fax: 250-703-0054
E-mail: dr.keeney@naturalfamilyhealth.ca
Dr. Keeney is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and a certified Bowenwork? practitioner. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and is a member of the Board of Directors for FIMA, the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in Africa. During her medical studies, she coordinated the Women’s Health Awareness Week to advance women’s health initiatives at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She was presented with the Naturomedic.com award in 2006, for her achievements in Gestalt psychotherapy and Naturopathic medicine. Over the past several years, Dr. Keeney has also taught for the Canadian Health Food Association’s Certified Natural Products Advisor program. She has additional training in homeopathy and advanced detoxification methods. As a practitioner, she emphasizes mind-body medicine and uses her varied skill set to tailor individualized treatment protocols for her patients.
Prior to joining Ocean Health Center in Courtenay, Dr. Keeney built a successful practice in the Ottawa area. She is trained as a primary care physician and welcomes patients of all ages for treatment and preventative medicine. Although she works with many different conditions, Dr. Keeney maintains a special interest in digestive disorders, women’s health, mental/emotional stress and pediatrics. Also, because of her expertise in Bowen therapy, she has treated many patients suffering from chronic pain.
Jacqueline Keeney offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Bowen Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine