Tamar Ferreira, ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
298 Dalhousie St., Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N7E7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.ferreira@puremednaturopathic.com
Dr. Tamar Ferreira, ND, is passionate about helping her patients regain their health by identifying and addressing the root cause of illness. Her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and work experience in the laboratory research industry prior to becoming a naturopathic doctor have given her a unique understanding of the intricacies of the human body, with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine. Tamar is fluently bilingual (English and French), and maintains a general family practice.
While she has successfully treated patients with various conditions, Tamar has a special interest in dermatology, digestive issues, and women’s health. She has additional training in FirstLine Therapy, a therapeutic lifestyle program aimed at obtaining healthy body composition and improving cardiovascular health. Whether you are ready to tiptoe or run on your journey towards health, Tamar will work in a supportive partnership with you and will enjoy seeing you thrive.
Tamar Ferreira offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Physical Medicine