
Tara Guzzo, ND, R.Ac.

Dr. Tara Guzzo, ND, R.Ac.
Inversa Health
3-373 Mcnabb Street
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6B 1Y9
Phone: (705) 450-6410

As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I work with busy women who are tired and unsatisfied with a life that is just okay. My decade plus of clinical practice has taught me so much that I love passionately sharing. I’m a dual registered practitioner with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario and the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. My mission has brought me tovarious audiences as a speakersuch as the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and for the MS Society of Canada.

As the CEO and Clinical Director of InVersa Health, I created theResilience Reset Program designed to promote calm, confidence and all-day energy in the face of depleting daily life stress. My passion for helping women heal and build their healthcare teams has led to me create & host atelevision series on Shaw Spotlight called Elevating Women’s Wellness. In this series, I interview local female healthcare providers on important women’s health topics to elevate your wellness.

Most importantly, I am a wife to a loving husband, a daughter to amazing parents, a proud sister of two caring brothers, an aunt to beautiful nieces and an adorable nephew and the granddaughter of extraordinary role models in heaven.

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