
Rebecca Kellerstein, ND

Rebecca Kellerstein, ND
1136 Centre St Unit 206
Thornhill, Ontario, L4J3M8
Phone: 905-889-0309
E-mail: rkellersteinnd@hotmail.com

Rebecca Kellerstein, B.Sc., N.D. is an established Naturopathic Doctor who has a thriving clinical practice in Thornhill, ON. There she sees people, from infants to the elderly, and everyone in between, and treats a variety of health concerns, ranging from frequent colds, to digestive difficulties, allergies, weight management, endocrine disorders, menstrual problems, infertility disorders, ADHD, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.

Dr. Kellerstein is a graduate from the University of Toronto, where she earned The Dr. James A. and Connie P. Dickson Award for academic excellence, as well as a four-time Dean’s List award earner. She graduated with High Distinction, earning an Honours Bachelors Degree in Microbiology and a minor in Immunology. She then graduated at the top of her class from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2000, earning several awards, including The Governor’s Medal of Excellency Award for academic and clinical excellence, The Saveira Zambri Award, and Dr. J. Farquarhson Award for excellence in Homeopathic Medicine. Afterward, she completed three extra post graduate years of training to become specialized in Homeopathic Medicine.

Aside from her practice, Dr. Kellerstein has been heavily involved in teaching at various colleges. Since 2009, Dr. Kellerstein has been the professor of the third year physical and clinical examinations course at The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. Since 2000, she has also been a clinical instructor of several courses at CCNM, including Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fundamentals of Naturopathic Medicine, and currently is a clinical instructor for the third year Orthopedics course, as well as the second and third year Spinal Adjustment programme at CCNM. She also devotes a portion of her time toward corporate wellness, giving seminars to the staff of large companies on the various ways they can optimize their health.

Rebecca Kellerstein offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Chiropractic, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine

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One comment on “Rebecca Kellerstein
  1. David Tan says:

    I am looking for someone knowledgeable about cardiac beriberi. I have had congestive Heart Failure already. Also trying to avoid Diabetes. Have spent most of 2016 at North York General Hospital. Am not satisfied with traditional Drug treatment as provided by M>D.s. Looking to improve my health more through nutrition than pharma drugs.

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