
Negin Misaghi, ND,

Negin Misaghi, ND,
Total Health Nd
19 Water St. St Marys
London, Ontario, N0L1W0
Phone: (226) 661-0130

You are unique and as such your health and wellbeing requires an individualized approach. I recognize that, and from assessment to lab testing to personalized Comprehensive Health Plans, my goal is to provide relief and address the root cause of your health concerns. With the firm belief in the healing powers of nature, my goal is to bring back balance to the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions by removing the dis-equilibrium created by disease. This is accomplished through the use of natural modalities including nutrition, herbal medicine, acupunture, hydrotherapy, homeopathy and councelling. Your body knows how to care for itself given it has what it requires. I hope to educate, motivate and inspire those who are considering taking control of their well-being in my clinical practice. My visits with patients involve taking a thorough health history, physical examination and laboratory analysis in order to make accurate diagnosis from which a treatment plan is then devised. Health promotion and preventative medicine comprise a big part of my practice as I believe we are now more and more approaching the future that Thomas Edison forsaw when he stated: The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Negin Misaghi offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management

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