
Meghan MacKinnon, ND

Meghan MacKinnon, ND
Aurora Naturopathic Doctor
126 Wellington St. West Unit 201B
Aurora, Ontario, L4G2N9
Phone: 905-727-9401
Fax: 905-727-9402
E-mail: drmeg.nd@gmail.com

Dr. MacKinnon has a comprehensive and integrative approach to treatment. By applying her scientific background to all treatments she investigates all factors that contribute to health and well-being, helping patients get to the root of their health concerns.

She treats all patients and health conditions, but has specialized interests in hormonal concerns and optimizing fertility, autoimmune conditions, digestive complaints, sleep difficulties, weight loss and chronic diseases which may have a lifestyle component. She also enjoys helping those who suffer from anxiety and depression to regain balance in their lives.

Meghan offers Free 15 Min Meet the ND Visits to see if Naturopathic Medicine is right for you.

Meghan MacKinnon offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Internal Medicine, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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