
Mahalia Freed, ND, BA

Mahalia Freed, ND, BA
6 Millbrook Crescent
Toronto, Ontario, M4K 1H3
Phone: 416-856-4682
E-mail: mahalia@drmahaliafreed.com

People who receive naturopathic care with Mahalia Freed feel better.

Her clients get pregnant, get energized, overcome anxiety and depression, leave digestive health concerns behind. From allergies to PMS, IBS to fatigue, Dr Mahalia Freed listens, and you get results.

Dr Mahalia Freed says, \As healer, witness, coach, counsellor and teacher, I listen, & help you reach your health goals. My role as an ND is to help people access their body’s innate healing potential by identifying & removing obstacles, and choosing treatments that support health from the inside out.

Mahalia Freed offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Reiki

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