
John Dempster, Bsc (Hons), ND, FAAFM

John Dempster, Bsc (Hons), ND, FAAFM
The Dempster Clinic – Center For Integrated Medicine
97 Scollard St.
Toronto, Ontario, M5R1G5
Phone: 416-551-9577
E-mail: drd@thedempsterclinic.com

Hello, I’m Dr. John Dempster, ND. Welcome to The Dempster Clinic.

We’ve built an innovative Integrative Health Center that puts patients first. If you don’t know us already, I should tell you that we never prescribe standard treatments and remedies. That’s because there are no standard problems. No two people are alike, so we tailor each treatment to the individual – you.

By blending scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine, we work with you to put your body back into a balanced state of health. We use cutting-edge functional medical diagnostics to discover the root causes of problems quickly, eliminating guesswork.

It is my sincere wish that everyone could achieve a balanced state of health. At The Dempster Clinic, we look forward to helping you reach that goal.

John Dempster offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Chiropractic, Clinical Nutrition, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Infusion Therapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Mesotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Prolotherapy

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