
Andrea Maxim, BSc (hons), ND

Andrea Maxim, BSc (hons), ND
Oakville Naturopathic Wellness Centre
Unit 22 2172 Wyecroft Road
Oakville, Ontario, L6L6R1
Phone: 8883753111
E-mail: andreamaximnd@gmail.com

Andrea Maxim, ND has a keen interest in functional medicine, individualized weight loss programs and hormone balancing (menopause, fertility and prenatal care) treatments. Dr. Maxim focuses on building a strong foundation of health using whole foods and high dosed nutrients to get her patients feeling better as soon as possible. As an exercise enthusiast herself, Dr. Maxim has noticed first-hand the importance of adequate nutrition, digestion and acid-alkaline balance in repair and recovery from long, intense workouts or cycling schedules. In her patients, she has seen dramatic results in treating any health complaints from skin conditions to digestive disorders to mental health. As an adjunct, treatment plans include acupuncture, homeopathy and mental/emotional counseling to further bring balance to the body.
Dr. Maxim is also certified in First Line Therapy, Facial Rejuvenation. She is a member of the OAND, the CAND and BDDT-N.

Andrea Maxim offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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