Dr. Lakshmi Andersen, LAC
123 Se Douglas St Ste 2
Newport, Oregon, 97365
Phone: (541) 574-6000
Naturopathic Doctors
Dr. Lakshmi Andersen, LAC
123 Se Douglas St Ste 2
Newport, Oregon, 97365
Phone: (541) 574-6000
Dr. Karen Edmisten, LAC
344 Sw 7Th St Ste B
Newport, Oregon, 97365
Phone: (541) 265-6378
Fax: (541) 265-6378
Dr. Jennifer Edlund, ND
194 Main St Ste 205
Newport, Vermont, 05855
Phone: (802) 334-6600
Fax: (802) 334-6600
L. Susan Andersen, ND, LAc
Ocean’s Way Naturopathic & Acupuncture Clinic
644 Sw Coast Hwy Ste D
Newport, Oregon, 97365
United States
Phone: 541-574-6000
Fax: 866-405-6511
E-mail: Susan@oceansway.com
Offering a variety of services in Newport, Oregon, focusing on restoring health, Dr. Andersen works with you in partnership to design treatment plans customize to you.
L. Susan Andersen offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Botanical Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Craniosacral Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Infusion Therapy, Internal Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Prescription Medications, Reiki