
Naturopathic Doctors in Ottawa

Mark Orbay, ND

Mark Orbay, ND
265 Carling Ave Unit 610
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S2E1
Phone: 613-230-6100
Fax: 613-230-0070

Mark Orbay offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Bowen Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Internal Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine

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Michelle Meyer, ND

Michelle Meyer, ND
1816 Matthews Ave
Ottawa, Ontario, K2C0X4
Phone: 613-224-4695
Fax: 613-224-3584
E-mail: meyernd@istar.ca

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Colleen McQuarrie, ND, BSc., BA

Colleen McQuarrie, ND, BSc., BA
Ottawa Integrative Health Centre
1129 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y4G6
Phone: 613-798-1000
Fax: 613-798-9995
E-mail: info@oihc.ca

Colleen McQuarrie offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Physical Medicine

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Marie Matheson, ND

Marie Matheson, ND
1419 Carling Ave Unit 209
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z7L6
Phone: 613-761-1600
Fax: 613-761-1855
E-mail: drmariematheson@hotmail.com

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Jennifer Luck, ND, BSC

Jennifer Luck, ND, BSC
Somerset Health & Wellness Centre
190 Somerset St. W Suite 210
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P0J4
Phone: 613-627-3880
E-mail: info@ottawanaturopathic.ca

The Somerset Health and Wellness Centre is a naturopathic clinic dedicated to providing natural treatment options to those looking for a supportive and collaborative approach to treating disease and maintaining health.

Our Naturopathic doctors work with each patient on an individual basis to develop a unique treatment plan. After careful assessment of your health status, they will utilize any combination of therapeutics based on your health concerns. The type of therapies they practice include:

– Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
– Nutritional Counselling
– Homeopathic Medicine
– Lifestyle Counselling
– Botanical and Herbal Medicine
– Intravenous Therapy (IV)
– Physical Medicine
– Special Health Programs

Reception office hours: Monday to Thursday 10am to 6pm

Jennifer Luck offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine

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Kristy Lewis, ND

Kristy Lewis, ND
Naturally Well Naturopathic Clinic
2211 Riverside Drive Unit 201
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X
Phone: 613-526-4134
Fax: 613-526-4180
E-mail: dr.kristylewis@gmail.com

Kristy Lewis offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Infusion Therapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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David Lescheid, PhD, ND

David Lescheid, PhD, ND
292 Montreal Road Unit 200
Ottawa, Ontario, K1L6B7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.lescheid@puremednaturopathic.com

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Joel Lee-Villeneuve, ND

Joel Lee-Villeneuve, ND
2249 Carling Ave Unit 320
Ottawa, Ontario, K2B7E9
Phone: 613-829-7100
Fax: 613-829-2608
E-mail: j_villeneuve@rogers.com

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Michele Lafond, ND

Michele Lafond, ND
136 Florence St
Ottawa, Ontario, K1R5N4
Phone: 613-230-9442
Fax: 613-231-5027
E-mail: mlafond@ott.igs.net

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Dileep Korah, ND

Dileep Korah, ND
2211 Riverside Dr Unit 200
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H7X5
Phone: 613-521-5355
Fax: 613-521-4189
E-mail: dkorah@holisticclinic.ca

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Daniel Ko, ND

Daniel Ko, ND
Health Medica Ottawa
1580 Merivale Road #403
Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 4B5
Phone: 613-225-8956
E-mail: DoctorKoND@gmail.com

Daniel Ko offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Bowen Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine

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Vivienne Guy, ND

Vivienne Guy, ND
Kilborn Naturopathic & Wellness Centre
1385 Bank St Unit 201
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H8N4
Phone: 613-738-8000
Fax: 613-738-3899
E-mail: info@kilbornwellness.com

Vivienne Guy offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine

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Mireille Fanous, ND

Mireille Fanous, ND
2211 Riverside Dr Unit 104
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H7X5
Phone: 613-736-5200
Fax: 613-736-5544

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Jacqueline Davies, ND

Jacqueline Davies, ND
292 Montreal Rd Unit 200
Ottawa, Ontario, K1L6B7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: drdavies@gmail.com

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Cheryl Cooper, ND

Cheryl Cooper, ND
Vitallife Integrative Medicine
164 Second Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, K2A4H1
Phone: 613-695-8482
Fax: 613-695-8483
E-mail: info@vitalmed.ca

Cheryl has been dedicated to helping people improve their health for over 20 years. Her experience in the field of health and wellness includes teaching a variety of fitness and Yoga classes over the years and giving numerous workshops on stress management, weight management, immune health, women’s health, detoxification, corporate wellness, and medical anatomy and physiology. Cheryl is also trained as a Doula (birth coach) and studied Mind-Body Medicine at the Harvard School of Medicine in Boston. Her patient-centred approach involves educating and empowering patients to understand and take control of their health. Cheryl’s care and compassion earned her the Ina Meares Award for Clinical Excellence and Patient Interaction in 2005.

Cheryl Cooper offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Counseling, Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management

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Kevin Bernardo, ND

Dr. Kevin Bernardo, BHsc(Hon.), ND
Yates Naturopathic Clinic – Greenbank Road
250 Greenbank Road
Ottawa, ON K2H 8X4
Phone: (613) 323-3488
Email: drkevinND@gmail.com

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Alievitch Houmed, BSc (Hons), ND

Alievitch Houmed, BSc (Hons), ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
292 Montreal Rd Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario, K1L6B7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.houmed@puremednaturopathic.com

In his practice, Dr. Houmed is a dedicated opponent of chronic disease such as obesity and diabetes which silently claim the lives of so many. His practice also covers, but is not limited to, men’s health, elderly care, digestive complaints, pain management, cancer treatment, female hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, autoimmune conditions and respiratory problems including cold/flu prevention. He is fluent in French, English and Russian.

Alievitch Houmed offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Mesotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management

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Maureen MacDonald, BSc (Hons), ND

Maureen MacDonald, BSc (Hons), ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
298 Dalhousie Street Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7E7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.macdonald@puremednaturopathic.com

Dr. MacDonald addresses general family wellness concerns including stress management, immune system support, pain management and chronic disease. She has special interests in reenergizing patients with fatigue, women’s health concerns including dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, menopause and perinatal care, gastrointestinal concerns, cardiovascular health, pain management and cosmetic procedures.

She also has additional training and certification in IV therapy for integrative cancer care, immune support, and wellness development, as well as mesotherapy for pain management and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, homeopathy, and detoxification.

Maureen MacDonald offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Mesotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management

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Jan Dorrell, ND, BSc

Jan Dorrell, ND, BSc
Keenan Health Center
303 Harmer Ave. South
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y3B3
Phone: 613-728-9414
Fax: 613-728-3916
E-mail: dr.dorrell@rogers.com

Jan Dorrell offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine

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Vivienne Guy, ND BSc

Vivienne Guy, ND BSc
Sunrise Wellness Centre
2211 Riverside Dr. Suite 104
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X5
Phone: 613-736-5200
E-mail: info@sunrisewellnesscentre.com

Vivienne Guy offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management

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Tanya Manikkam, ND, BA

Tanya Manikkam, ND, BA
Nutrichem Pharmacy & Clinic
1303 Richmond Rd
Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 7Y4
Phone: (613) 721-3669
Fax: (613) 820-8307
E-mail: clinic@nutrichem.com

Dr. Tanya Manikkam ND is dedicated to helping individuals reach optimal health through nutritional counseling, acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathy and physical medicine.

Tanya Manikkam offers the following therapies: Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Reiki

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Jada MacLeod, ND, BSc

Jada MacLeod, ND, BSc
Healing House
9 Melrose Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y1T8
Phone: 613-688-9898
Fax: 613-688-9871
E-mail: jada@healinghouse.ca

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Ashley Kowalski, ND

Dr. Ashley Kowalski, ND
Hampton Wellness Centre
1419 Carling Avenue Suite 209
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z7L6
Phone: 613-761-1600
E-mail: ashleykowalski.nd@gmail.com

I am a Naturopathic Doctor serving the Ottawa Westboro area. I am Facial Rejuvenation (cosmetic) acupuncture certified. I have a special interest in: anti-aging, digestive complaints, fatigue, headaches and migraines, sleep issues, pain management, stress management, and weight management.

Dr. Ashley Kowalski offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Christine Nguyen, ND

Christine Nguyen, ND
Ottawa Integrative Health Centre
1129 Carling Ave
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y4G6
Phone: 613-798-1000
Fax: 613-798-9995

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Heather Prescott, BSc, ND

Dr. Heather Prescott, BSc, ND
Hampton Wellness Centre
1419 Carling Avenue, Suite 209
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z7L6
Phone: 613?761?16
E-mail: info@drheathernd.ca

Dr. Heather Prescott is a Naturopathic Doctor passionate about empowering & inspiring everyone with safe, natural & effective healthcare.

Dr. Heather Prescott offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Natural Supplementation, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Carolyn Mercer, ND

Carolyn Mercer, ND
Preston Health Collective
338 Preston St.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S4M6
Phone: 613-235-5433

Carolyn Mercer offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy

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Carolyn Mercer, ND

Carolyn Mercer, ND
Orleans Gardens Chiropractic
1615 Orleans Blvd.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1C 7L4
E-mail: carolynmercernd@gmail.com

Interests in food intolerances, allergies, digestion, fertility, weight loss

Carolyn Mercer offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine

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Erin Kasparek, ND

Erin Kasparek, ND
Ottawa Integrative Health Centre
1129 Carling Ave
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y4G6
Phone: 613.798.1000
Fax: 613.798.9995
E-mail: info@oihc.ca

Erin Kasparek offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Childbirth, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Tamar Ferreira, ND

Tamar Ferreira, ND
Livewell Family Health Centre
100 Centrepointe Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K2G6B1
Phone: 613-225-3339
Fax: 613-321-8394
E-mail: drtamar@livewellhealth.com

Dr. Tamar Ferreira, ND, is passionate about helping her patients regain their health by identifying and addressing the root cause of illness. Her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and work experience in the laboratory research industry prior to becoming a naturopathic doctor have given her a unique understanding of the intricacies of the human body, with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine. Tamar is fluently bilingual (English and French), and maintains a general family practice.

While she has successfully treated patients with various conditions, Tamar has a special interest in dermatology, digestive issues, and women’s health. She has additional training in FirstLine Therapy, a therapeutic lifestyle program aimed at obtaining healthy body composition and improving cardiovascular health. Whether you are ready to tiptoe or run on your journey towards health, Tamar will work in a supportive partnership with you and will enjoy seeing you thrive.

Tamar Ferreira offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Physical Medicine

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Tamar Ferreira, ND

Tamar Ferreira, ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
298 Dalhousie St., Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N7E7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.ferreira@puremednaturopathic.com

Dr. Tamar Ferreira, ND, is passionate about helping her patients regain their health by identifying and addressing the root cause of illness. Her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and work experience in the laboratory research industry prior to becoming a naturopathic doctor have given her a unique understanding of the intricacies of the human body, with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine. Tamar is fluently bilingual (English and French), and maintains a general family practice.

While she has successfully treated patients with various conditions, Tamar has a special interest in dermatology, digestive issues, and women’s health. She has additional training in FirstLine Therapy, a therapeutic lifestyle program aimed at obtaining healthy body composition and improving cardiovascular health. Whether you are ready to tiptoe or run on your journey towards health, Tamar will work in a supportive partnership with you and will enjoy seeing you thrive.

Tamar Ferreira offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Physical Medicine

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Jilla Kahrobaei, BSc, ND

Jilla Kahrobaei, BSc, ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
298 Dalhousie St. Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N7E7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: dr.kahrobaei@puremednaturopathic.com

Dr. Kahrobaei is an Ottawa Naturopathic Doctor with a general family practice in the Byward Market. Her main areas of focus are stress, pain and fatigue which she treats successfully with evidence-based natural medicines, acupuncture and counselling on digestive health. When working with her patients, her approach is to educate and empower them to take charge of their own health.

Dr. Kahrobaei obtained her BSc in Psychology/Biology from Concordia University prior to her naturopathic medical training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to private practice, her experiences include pain research, clinical supervisor and provider of community health workshops.
Dr. Kahrobaei has additional training in Biopuncture and Bowen Therapy and is licensed and board certified within the province of Ontario.

Jilla Kahrobaei offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Bowen Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Mesotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Josee Boyer, ND

Josee Boyer, ND
Pure Med Naturopathic Centre
298 Dalhousie Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N7E7
Phone: 613-216-4661
Fax: 613-216-4663
E-mail: josee.boyer.nd@gmail.com

Dr. Josee Boyer ND helps you reach optimal health using acupuncture, nutritional supplementation and counseling, botanical medicine and homeopathics. She is fluent in English and in French and offers free 15-minute consultations to those who would like more information concerning the role of naturopathic medicine in treating their health concerns.

Josee Boyer offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Supplementation, Pain Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine

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