Bryan Rade, ND
Lower Sackville Wellness Centre
546 Sackville Dr
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, B4C2S2
Phone: 902-830-4615
Fax: 902-252-3081
Dr. Rade is a licensed and registered naturopathic doctor in general family practice. He offers standard naturopathic therapies, plus IV therapy, neural therapy, neural prolotherapy, ozone therapy (prolozone), major autohemotherapy, chelation therapy, autonosode therapy and Koren Specific Technique (an advanced chiropractic method).
Dr. Rade treats all manor of health concerns, with a focus on autism spectrum disorder, Lyme disease, chronic pain, integrative cancer care, and chronic health concerns.
Bryan Rade offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Ozone Therapy, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine