Dr. Megan Bernard, ND
Flourish After Cancer
6060 Cunard Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 1E4
Phone: (902) 439-9997
Dr. Megan Bernard, ND
Flourish After Cancer
6060 Cunard Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 1E4
Phone: (902) 439-9997
Mallory Ryan, ND
3514 Joseph Howe Dr
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 4H7
Phone: (902) 406-5433
Fax: (902) 425-6090
E-mail: dr.mallorynd@gmail.com
Margaret Pattillo, ND
6243 Almond St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 1V1
Phone: (902) 407-0808
Fax: (902) 407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
Sarah Park, ND
6243 Almon St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 1V1
Phone: (902) 407-0808
Fax: (902) 407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
Joann Osbourne, ND
6389 Coburg Rd Unit 202
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2A5
Phone: (902) 446-1375
Sherisse O’Leary, ND
5991 Spring Garden Rd Unit 465
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3V 1H5
Phone: (902) 293-2206
Fax: (902) 406-0101
E-mail: drsoleary@gmail.com
Amanda Hennigar, ND
1809 Barrington St Unit B100
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3K8
Phone: (905) 496-7020
Fax: (905) 482-5024
E-mail: dramandand@bespokeclinic.ca
Alaina Gair, ND
2176 Windsor St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5B6
Phone: (902) 406-1500
E-mail: info@dralainagair.com
Anna D’Intino, ND
1584 Robie St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3E6
Phone: (902) 406-4424
Fax: (902) 406-4428
E-mail: anna@annadintino.com
Sarah Baillie, ND
6243 Almon St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 1V1
Phone: (902) 407-0808
Fax: (902) 407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
Alexander McLellan, ND
5880 Spring Garden Rd Unit 304
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H1Y1
Phone: 902-830-4419
Fax: 902-405-3709
E-mail: dralex@ndaccess.com
Cheryl Lycette, ND
2110 Robie St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K4M4
Phone: 902-422-2767
Fax: 902-425-1616
E-mail: drcheryl@drcheryl.ca
Colin Huska, ND
5991 Spring Garden Rd; Suite 465
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H1Y6
Phone: 902-406-0100
Fax: 902-406-0101
E-mail: colin.huska@sageelements.ca
Rosalyn Hayman, BSc, ND
Halifax Naturopathic Health Centre
6243 Almon Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Phone: 902-407-0808
Fax: 902-407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
Dr Hayman is passionate about nutrition and exercise as fundamentals of good health, as well as the importance of stress reduction in our daily lives. Her busy family practice has been successful in helping people overcome anxiety, fatigue, cancer, heart disease and gastrointestinal complaints. In addition to Live BloodH Cell Analysis she is certified in and practices IV therapy and Chelation.
Rosalyn Hayman offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Chelation Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management
Nicole Gaskell, ND
6030 Almon St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K1T8
Phone: 902-445-2885
Fax: 902-445-2890
E-mail: nicolegaskell@eastlink.ca
Jennifer Doyle, ND
6030 Almon St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K1T8
Phone: 902-445-2885
Fax: 902-445-2890
E-mail: jendoyle@naturesembrace.ca
Jennifer Carter, ND
5515 Young Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K1Z7
Phone: 902-405-3222
Fax: 902-404-3466
E-mail: carterj@ns.sympatico.ca
Cathleen MacDonald, ND, BScN
6156 Quinpool Road Suite 201
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 1A3
Phone: 902-452-2070
E-mail: info@cathleenmacdonald.ca
Dr. Cathleen MacDonald ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with over 12 years of practice experience. Cathleen has recently moved to Halifax from Rothesay, NB and is accepting new clients. She has a family practice with a special interest in women’s health. Cathleen is a member of The Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (NSAND) and The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).
Services available include: nutritional counselling, herbal medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, naturopathic body work, craniosacral therapy, lifestyle counselling and individualized cleansing and detoxification programs.
Cathleen MacDonald offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine
Rochelle Wilcox, ND
Living Well Integrative Health Center
2176 Windsor Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5B6
Phone: 902.406.1500
Fax: 902.406.1505
E-mail: info@naturopathicdrs.com
Rochelle Wilcox offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Pain Management
Craig Herrington, ND
Halifax Naturopathic Health Centre
6243 Almon St
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L1V1
Phone: 902-407-0808
Fax: 902-407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
General Medicine practice with a special focus on women and men’s health, cancer, thyroid disorders, digestive complaints and allergies.
Craig Herrington offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Infusion Therapy, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Physical Medicine, Prolotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Priya Joshi, ND
Sage Elements Naturopathic Clinic
5991 Spring Garden Road Suite 465
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1Y6
Phone: 902-406-0100
I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor entering my 15th year of practice. I have a passion for women’s health in all aspects – hormonal health, sexual health, fertility concerns, pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. I am also trained in Mayan uterine and abdominal therapy. I am accepting new patients!
Priya Joshi offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hydrotherapy, Natural Supplementation, Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Nadia Tymoshenko, BSc, ND
Nadia Tymoshenko Nd
480 Parkland Dr. #201
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3S 1P9
Phone: 902-402-2809
Blending scientific knowledge with her 20 years of clinical experience, Nadia is committed to helping people improve their health and their lives. She takes time to listen to your health story and investigate what is causing your issues. True health is so much more than just the absence of disease or symptoms. Nadia does not just treat symptoms, but will help you attain your very best level of health so you can live your life to the fullest. You can feel better!
Call to book a complimentary Meet the Doctor visit. Meet Nadia. Ask whatever questions you may have about Naturopathic Medicine, and find out how she can help you.
Nadia Tymoshenko offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Physical Medicine
Dr. Joann Osbourne, ND
Optimal Wellbeing Clinic
1584 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H3E6
Phone: 902-406-4424
Fax: 902-406-4428
Dr. Joann Osbourne offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, Hormonal Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Internal Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Orthomolecular Medicine, Physical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Maggie Pattillo, ND
Halifax Naturopathic Health Centre
6243 Almon Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L1V1
Phone: 902-407-0808
Fax: 902-407-0809
E-mail: info@halifaxnaturopathic.ca
Dr. Maggie Pattillo has a general family practice with a special interest in digestive disturbances, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and healthy weight loss. Maggie’s specialized training includes nutritional IV therapy and sports medicine.
Maggie Pattillo offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Homeopathic Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, Natural Supplementation, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Sherisse O Leary, ND
3515 Joseph Howe Dr
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L4H7
Phone: 905-425-4848
Fax: 902-425-6090
E-mail: info@balancehealthcentre.ca
Sandra Murphy, ND
6156 Quinpool Rd Unit 102
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L1A3
Phone: 902-429-3303
Fax: 902-429-0990
Glenna (Morris) Calder, BSc, ND
Balance Naturopathic Health Centre
3514 Joseph Howe Dr Unit 15
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L4H7
Phone: 902-425-4848
Fax: 902-425-6090
E-mail: info@balancehealthcentre.ca