Naturopathic Doctors in Colby

Joan Waters, ND

Dr. Joan Waters, ND
990 S Range Ave Ste 5
Colby, Kansas, 67701
Phone: (970) 482-2010
Fax: (888) 835-3244

I provide confidential, individualized naturopathic health care. I work with my patients to find a treatment plan that works for them. There are often several ways to approach a problem. Our natural environment has provided us with many tools that we can utilize to restore our health. Did you know that touching the earth with your bare skin decreases inflammation I discuss options, and listen to my patients to determine what would work for them.

Education is an integral part of each appointment, since my goal is to give you the tools to maintain your health. I call my patients to find out how the treatment plan is working for them, and get back to them in a timely manner when they have questions. I utilize an electronic health records (EHR) program that has a HIPAA-compliant email program so my patients are able to conveniently email me with concerns.

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