Dr. Kathie Warpinski, ND, TCN
Sacred Garden Remedies
Naperville, Illinois, 60540
Phone: (630) 528-0276
Kathie Warpinski offers the following therapies: Thyroid, Pain Management, Autoimmune Disease, Digestive Disorders, Adrenal Fatigue
Dr. Kathie Warpinski, ND, TCN
Sacred Garden Remedies
Naperville, Illinois, 60540
Phone: (630) 528-0276
Kathie Warpinski offers the following therapies: Thyroid, Pain Management, Autoimmune Disease, Digestive Disorders, Adrenal Fatigue
Kathie Warpinski, ND
Nature’s Blessing, Inc.
7S380 Arbor Drive
Naperville, Illinois, 60540
United States
Phone: 630-447-0171
Alicia Miller, ND
A Natural Path To Health, Inc
24W. 500 Maple Ave. Suite 203D
Naperville, Illinois, 60540
United States
Phone: 630-418-1254
E-mail: draliciamillernd@gmail.com
Primary focus on Family medicine utilizing Functional Medicine to get to root cause of chronic disease and Naturopathic therapies to correct imbalances of the body.
Graduate of SCNM (AZ), Adjunct faculty at NUHS in Lombard for the Naturopathic and Chiropractic programs.
Alicia Miller offers the following therapies: Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Environmental Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Natural Supplementation