
Naturopathic Doctors in Mansfield Center

Fran Storch, ND

Dr. Fran Storch, ND
203 Storrs Rd
Mansfield Center, Connecticut, 06250
Phone: (860) 423-2759
Fax: (860) 423-9676

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Whitney Miller-Caporaso, ND

Dr. Whitney Miller-Caporaso, ND
365 Storrs Rd
Mansfield Center, Connecticut, 06250
Phone: (860) 209-9373

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John Furlong, ND

Dr. John Furlong, ND
18D Ledgebrook Dr
Mansfield Center, Connecticut, 06250
Phone: (860) 450-1020

My job is to identify the cause of illness, work to remove the obstacles to cure, enhance the natural healing systems in the body and go about these with integrity, professional knowledge, communication and respect. Naturopathy really isn’t complicated. Based upon my experience, I’ve found that naturopathic methods can be successful in almost all areas of medicine except the need for emergency surgery.

My experience says to approach health issues with naturopathy FIRST! I treat to restore body systems, not to squash down symptoms of a named disease. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and M. S. can respond well. Supportive cancer treatments enhance the regular medical treatments; with fewer side effects and better anti-cancer effects. I do not load a person down with supplements, I choose the most effective, fastest means to heal.

Yes, naturopathic medicine often involves making diet and lifestyle changes, but the benefits of improved health are priceless!.

Dr. Furlong began his involvement in alternative medicine while an undergraduate at the Univeristy of Maryland in 1977. As a student intern at the National Institues of Health, he worked with Russell M. Jaffe M. D. ,PhD investigating the effects of (-) air ions on the indoor environment and participating in a weekly seminar.

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