
Naturopathic Doctors in Delta

Karly McMaster, ND, BSc

Dr. Karly McMaster, ND, BSc
Collaborative Wellness Ladner
#202- 5085 48 Ave
Delta, British Columbia, V4K 1W1
Phone: (778) 630-8930

Karly McMaster offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Immunization, IV Therapy , Prescriptive Authority

Everything about medicine, and how the human body works so intricately to keep our systems in balance, fascinates me. Especially knowing that our bodies have the innate ability to heal and rebalance themselves. I’ve learned this firsthand after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease and beginning my journey to health. There is no cure forCeliac Disease, however, it can be controlled solely by diet. This was how my love for a natural approach to medicine began.

I believe that in order to achieve optimal health you must treat the root cause of disease and the whole person. We are incredibly complexand unique beings that can’t be reduced to a mere symptom to be solved by a pill. So much of our health depends on not only our physical body, but also our mental and emotional states. In creating a patient-centered approach to healthcare, naturopathic medicine helps to restore balance within the whole person.

This balance can be achieved by removing obstacles,teaching healthy lifestyle habits, and using natural interventions. This way we don’t focus on disease-care, but truly healthcare. I find myself continuously more curious and excited about the power of this profession, and I am thrilled to be back in South Delta for my clinical practice. My areas of interest are in autoimmune disease, gastroenterology, women’s health, pediatrics, and sports medicine with a focus in artistic athletes (dance, gymnastics, skating, cheerleading).

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Kathryn Harbun, ND

Dr. Kathryn Harbun, ND
123-6345 120 Street
Delta, British Columbia, V4E 2A6
Phone: (604) 424-9700

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Tejinder Ghag, ND

Dr. Tejinder Ghag, ND
Arc Integrated Medicine
6345 120Th Street Unit 123
Delta, British Columbia, V4E 2A6
Phone: (604) 424-9700

Tejinder Ghag offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Advanced Injection therapies, Aesthetic Procedures, Prescriptive Authority

Languages Spoken: English, Punjabi

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Soohyeon Ji, ND

Dr. Soohyeon Ji, ND
Delta, British Columbia,

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Kristina Mokhir, ND

Dr. Kristina Mokhir, ND
Delta, British Columbia,

Languages Spoken: English, Ukrainian, Russian

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Sheldon Bjorgaard, ND

Dr. Sheldon Bjorgaard, ND
Arc Integrated Medicine
6345 120Th St Unit 123
Delta, British Columbia, V4E 2A6
Phone: (604) 424-9700

Sheldon Bjorgaard offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Advanced Injection therapies, Prescriptive Authority

Dr. Sheldon Bjorgaard is a graduate of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (class of 2016). Dr. Sheldon believes strongly in patient centred care and holistic medicine and aims to provide evidence based treatment options for his patients. While treating ailments of all kinds and in all populations, he has a clinical focus in the areas of Obesity and Weight Management, Digestive health, Pain management and Environmental allergies.

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Emily Munn, ND

Emily Munn, ND
6345 120Th St Unit 123
Delta, British Columbia
Phone: (604) 424-9700
E-mail: drmunn@arcintegratedmedicine.com

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Ashleigh Lane, ND

Ashleigh Lane, ND
6345 120Th St Unit 123
Delta, British Columbia, V4E 2A6
Phone: (604) 424-9700
Fax: (604) 424-9701

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Darren Gorrell, ND

Darren Gorrell, ND
5405 12Th Ave Unit 201
Delta, British Columbia, V4M 2B2
Phone: (604) 943-7111

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Lisa Ghent, ND

Lisa Ghent, ND
4841 Delta St
Delta, British Columbia, V4K 2T9
Phone: (604) 940-1981
E-mail: info@drlisaghent.com

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Susan Steeves, ND

Susan Steeves, ND
1244 56Th St
Delta, British Columbia, V4L 2A4
Phone: (604) 765-9399
Fax: (604) 943-6501

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