
Whitney Baxter, ND

Dr. Whitney Baxter, ND
Fairfield Health And Wellness Clinic
1255 Fairfield Rd
Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 3B3
Phone: (250) 384-9694

Whitney Baxter offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, Immunization, IV Therapy , Ozone Therapy, Prescriptive Authority

Dr. Whitney Baxter is a licensed naturopathic physician practicing in Victoria, BC. She has a general practice that aims to help patients achieve their ideal state of health. Dr. Baxter’s areas of interest include chronic disease prevention and management (cardiovascular, chronic viral/bacterial illness), mental health and digestive health. She is also an ACSM certified clinical exercise physiologist, allowing her to safely prescribe exercise rehabilitation for wellness and chronic disease management.

Dr. Baxter has extra certifications in acupuncture, IV therapy, immunizations and prescriptive authority.

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