
Samantha Gray, ND, RAc

Dr. Samantha Gray, ND, RAc
Gaia Integrative Health Ltd.
#305-2083 Alma
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6R 4N6
Phone: (604) 222-2433

Dr. Samantha Gray, ND RAc graduated in 2001from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon witha Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND) and a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM). She is a Registered Acupuncturist in British Columbia. In addition to her foundational degrees, Dr. Gray participates in extensive continuing education yearly. In June 2002, Dr. Gray co-founded the first Sage Clinic in Vancouver and Sage Clinic Victoria in 2012.

Dr. Gray’s knowledge as a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and a Registered Acupuncturist (RAc) provide her with an array of Western and Chinese Medicine based healing remedies. Dr. Gray’s primary modes of therapy include: diet and nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, homeopathic drainage as well as vitamin and mineral supplementation. In addition to careful listening and utilizing functional medicine testing, Dr.

Gray aims toidentify the root of physical symptoms. Her therapeutic strategy is to remove the obstacles to cure that are causing the symptoms and then support the body’s natural inclination and power to heal itself. With a particular emphasis on working with women, Dr. Gray’s practice is focused in the following areas:Women’s Healthmenstrual disorders: irregular periods, heavy periods, painful periods, PMS, missed periodsperimenopausal hormonal concerns: hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, joint pains, low libidohormone disruption, weight gainfertility support and infertilitychronic vaginal yeast and BV infections, UTI’sperinatal care and support including prenatal acupuncturepostpartum care and supportMental-Emotional Healthanxietydepressionpoor concentration and focusmood swingspoor memoryDigestive Healthconstipation and diarrheagas, bloatingIBS, SIBO, Candida overgrowthcolitisgluten intolerancefood intolerancesGeneral Internal Medicine:digestive disturbances:endocrine disorders: adrenal imbalances, thyroid conditions, fatigue, blood sugar imbalancesskin disorders: acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, fungal infectionsimmune system dysfunction: allergies, autoimmune conditionsblood sugar imbalances: insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetesPediatric Medicine:breastfeeding supportpreventative medicine with advice about first foods and feeding toddlersdigestive complaints, colic, skin rashes, ear infections, chronic and acute upper respiratory infections, asthma, food allergies, diaper rash, behavioural issues.

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