Kathleen Mahannah, ND

Dr. Kathleen Mahannah, ND
Restoration Health Clinic
319-1277 Lynn Valley Rd North
Vancouver, British Columbia, V7J 0A2
Phone: (604) 925-2560
Fax: (604) 990-6962

Kathleen Mahannah offers the following therapies: Acupuncture, IV Therapy , Prescriptive Authority

Dr. Kathleen Mahannah has a family practice located in her hometown of North Vancouver, BC. She empowers individuals with the knowledge, tools and skills, both modern and traditional, to identify and overcome the root cause of disease. Dr. Kathleen has a focus in women’s health, particularly hormone balancing, menopause, and fertility, in addition to having a general family practice. Dr. Kathleen prioritizes using safe, effective, natural medicine ranging from herbs, targeted nutrient therapy, physical medicine, acupuncture, to intravenous (IV) therapy.

She has her prescription authority when needed in order to provide patients with the most comprehensive healthcare experience available. As a former high performance athlete, she particularly enjoys working with athletes, as well as treating men and women experiencing stress-induced fatigue and burnout who want a sustainable, high performance lifestyle.

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